Mohd. Amir, a Moradabad Metal Craft artist displays a basic arti plate depicting an oil lamp, incense holder, bell, small metal pot, and a bowl with a spoon. The plate and the elements are simple metal made with the spoon having some intricate engraving on it, featuring a decorative border of the plate that frames the central area where the offerings are placed. The border is intricately designed with a floral motif on the silver base adding to the pleasant appearance. In Hinduism, flowers are considered pure and are offered to deities as a symbol of devotion and purity of heart. The floral border on an arti plate represents the sanctity of the offerings and the sacredness of the ritual being performed. The creation of arti plates requires a high level of skill and craftsmanship. Artisans in Moradabad employ various metalworking techniques to create these plates, each plate being a unique piece of art, showcasing the artisan's talent and expertise.